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Ralph Buglass - Washington Aqueduct History


Thu 02 / 29 / 2024
2:00 PM to 3:00 PM


Palisades Library - upstairs meeting room
4901 V Street NW
Washington DC 20007

Who can attend

Open to all

Limited capacity: Registration Closed



The Army Corps of Engineers is going to be doing repairs to the Washington Aqueduct (underneath MacArthur Boulevard) during 2024 -- which so happens marks the 160th anniversary of its construction. 

The aqueduct's history is a fascinating story with the Palisades playing a small role, getting MacArthur Boulevard renamed from its original moniker, Conduit Road (for the 12-foot wide water tunnel under it).

This presentation tells the story through historical photos and maps to identify landmarks people have no doubt driven by without much of a thought. The entire 12-mile engineering feat (from Great Falls to the Dalecarlia Reservoir and then on two more miles to the Georgetown Reservoir) is now a National Landmark itself.