Event name
Vaccination Clinic
Fri 09 / 20 / 2024
9:30 AM to 12:45 PM
9:30 AM to 12:45 PM
Palisades HUB
5200 Cathedral Ave NW
Washington DC 20016
5200 Cathedral Ave NW
Washington DC 20016
Who can attend
Open to all
Limited Capacity: 2 spots available
Giant Pharmacy is coming to Palisades Village to provide Pfizer and Moderna Covid booster shots, flu shots and RSV vaccines (60+ only). We will be outside. In the case of rain, we will move indoors.
Please note in the comments whether you want the Pfizer or Moderna Covid booster shot and any other vaccinations you might need. You must register in advance.
If you have mobility issues, the pharmacist can come to your car to administer the vaccine. Just let us know in advance, please.
Don't forget your vaccination card so that it can be updated. You will also need to bring your insurance card and an ID. An informed consent form is also required. Please fill this form out and bring it with you. (Hard copies forms will be available at the clinic.) Except for Kaiser, Veterans Administration, Johns Hopkins or other health plans that require "in-network" providers, your vaccination should be covered by insurance.
We recommend that you consult with your doctor to determine the best vaccinations and timing for you.
Full PV Members: Please let us know if you need a ride.
To reserve a specific time slot, please click on this link: