Event name
Cool Forests: How Trees Affect the Climate from Brazil to your Backyard
Wed 05 / 12 / 2021
7:00 PM to 8:00 PM
7:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Via Zoom
Who can attend
Open to all
Limited capacity: Registration Closed
This time of year we appreciate the beauty of trees as they turn green and flower. But trees play a much greater role in our ecosystem and have a profound impact on climate. Join us to hear about the effect of forests from one of our neighbors, Frances Seymour, who is a leading expert in the field. You may remember her sustainable home that was featured in our 2019 Palisades Village House Tour.
WRI Distinguished Senior Fellow Frances Seymour is one of the world’s foremost authorities on sustainable development whose extensive research, leadership, and management experience have given her a deep understanding of the environment-related opportunities and challenges facing developing countries. Her current work focuses on harnessing the potential of forests to contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation, including mobilizing REDD+ finance, understanding non-carbon pathways through which forests affect climate, ending commodity-driven deforestation, and cultivating awareness among urban constituencies of forest benefits to cities. She is an active participant and frequent speaker in international policy arenas related to forestry, agriculture, and climate change. Other areas of expertise include development finance and environmental procedural rights.